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Boiler and boiler room modernization

Let’s talk about the boiler room modernization.

Not content with the condition of your current boiler room? We will be happy to help. In addition to the usual advice, we offer diagnostics of the existing boiler room. We will advise you on how to increase its energy efficiency and modernize the existing boilers. We will carry out the modernization of boilers and boiler rooms.

Put your business in the best hands. Our service employees are true industrial boiler specialists. They are intensively trained and have expert knowledge and experience.

Boiler and boiler room modernization

▶ Do 7 % oszczędności paliwa

Ekonomizer kondensacyjny
▶ Do 7 % oszczędności paliwa

Podgrzew powietrza / LUVO
▶ Do 2 % oszczędności paliwa

Chłodnica wody zasilającej
▶ Do 1,8 % oszczędności paliwa


Stacja uzdatniania wody
▶ Poprawa jakości wody
▶ Poprawa jakości pary
▶ Mniejsze ilości odsalania


System kondensatu
▶ Do 12 % oszczędności paliwa
▶ Oszczędność wody uzupełniającej i surowej
▶ Redukcja ilości ścieków
▶ Do 90 % oszczędności na chemikaliach


System termicznego odgazowania
▶ Do 90 % oszczędności na chemikaliach

Moduł rozprężania i odzysku ciepła
▶ Do 1 % oszczędności paliwa
▶ Do 1 % oszczędności wody uzdatnionej
▶ Do 100 % oszczędności wody chłodzącej
▶ Do 70% oszczędności ścieków

Odzysk ciepła z oparów
▶ Do 0,5% oszczędności paliwa


Modulowana praca palnika – wzrost operacyjności palnika
▶ Do 1 % oszczędności paliwa
▶ Redukcja zużycia

Regulacja prędkości obrotowej dmuchawy palnika
▶ Do 75 % oszczędności energii elektrycznej

Regulacja O2/CO
▶ Do 1 % oszczędności paliwa


Ogólna optymalizacja
▶ Do 3 % oszczędności paliwa
▶ Dłuższy okres użytkowania
▶ Niezawodności procesu
▶ Ulepszone działanie


Quick energy audit

Analysis based on the individual parameters of your system
Evaluation of potential modernization measures.


Pricing and project management

Detailed feasibility study based on the parameters of your system
Configuration of the optimal modernization package


Production, delivery, installation

System designed for your current system
Custom manufacturing of components and modules
Quick installation due to modular design



Start-up, measurements, adjustment by our service experts to ensure the best possible operation



Fast on-site service through our worldwide service network
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Optional remote access to Bosch service
The highest level of system availability worldwide
On-the-job training of personnel operating the equipment

Boiler and boiler room modernization

Upgrading the boiler automation system will bring the following benefits:

  • Guaranteed availability of spare parts, and consequently, greater boiler availability, and reduced risk of boiler downtime.
  • A modern touchscreen operator panel for easy and intuitive operation with the possibility of zooming to 22”.
  • Clear visualization of operating parameters, including operating trends, and an integrated function of early signaling of unfavorable operating conditions for the system.
  • Possibility of communication of the controller with other devices – data transmission over the bus to the master system.
  • Possibility to add the optional MEC Remote service for mobile monitoring of system operation from any device with Internet access.

Modernization of boilers and boiler rooms

  • How to further reduce maintenance costs?
  • What are the ways to increase operating safety?
  • Is it feasible to reduce current emissions?

Our Modernization Department will be happy to answer all your questions.

Free consultation

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